Friday, January 28, 2011

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery

If imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, why does it still feel like I've been scooped again! Not since my pH adjusted tampoon (treatment for bacterial vaginosis) idea was stolen by RepHresh in December, have I felt more betrayed.
A few days ago a good friend of mine posted a new blog in his google status: If you read it, you will see right away why I felt that he had stolen my idea. He does not, however, write about the artists as I pretend to do. You may be wondering, "Why are you so upset about plagiarism when you commit it on an almost hourly basis?" I'm not actually angry, I love my friends - but not as much as I love giving them crap. 

Anywho, I should be writing about Otis Redding but to save us both some time:

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