Friday, October 15, 2010

We Are Your Friends

Videos like this make me miss college and loath my friends. I imagine we have all had our occasion incidence of being over served and awoke to a situation similar to the ones demonstrated in the video.

One of my least favorites was the night before Father's Day 2009. Some trickster had switch my non-alcoholic O'Douls with Jägermeister. As the night dragged on, I grew increasingly fatigued so I decided to take a nap on the nearest arm chair. I awoke fresh as a daisy and shuffled off to the bathroom to freshen up. Upon opening the door I immediately noticed something off about my typically fair and glowing complexion. It appeared that my "friends" decided to "Joker Face" (color my face like The Joker from the comic Batman) me in permanent marker. I had a family function with my extended family in three hours.

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